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Site of GSFIC board meetings

Georgia State Financing & Investment Commission
270 Washington Street, 2nd Floor
AtlantaGA 30334
Phone: 404.463.5600

Board Members

Brian Kemp Brian Kemp
Title: Governor, Chairman
Work phone:
Home phone:
Governor, Chairman
Burt Jones Burt Jones
Title: Lieutenant Governor of Georgia -Vice Chair
Work phone:
Home phone:
Lieutenant Governor of Georgia -Vice Chair
Greg Griffin Greg Griffin
Title: State Auditor, Secretary and Treasurer
Work phone:
Home phone:
State Auditor, Secretary and Treasurer
Jon Burns Jon Burns
Title: Speaker of the House of Georgia
Work phone:
Home phone:
Speaker of the House of Georgia
Chris Carr Chris Carr
Title: Attorney General
Work phone:
Home phone:
Attorney General
Tyler Harper Tyler Harper
Title: Agriculture Commissioner of Georgia
Work phone:
Home phone:
Agriculture Commissioner of Georgia
Steve McCoy Steve McCoy
Title: State Treasurer
Work phone:
Home phone:
State Treasurer
Board Members


Thank you for visiting the internet gateway to the Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission (GSFIC). GSFIC is dedicated to becoming a leader in best practices in financial and construction management services and fiscal stewardship for the benefit of our greatest investors, Georgia citizens. We believe in providing great customer service and seek to serve you with the highest level of integrity and efficiency. 


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