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Goals Title Green ArrowProcess

Lauderdale County Schools------------ 2019-2024

A Strategic Plan In Pursuit Of  Continuous Improvement 

In The Focus Areas Of…

  • Governance and Leadership

  • Teaching and Learning

  • Facilities, Resources, Support Systems

  • Collaboration and Communication

Strategic Plan Timeline of Activities


Oct. 18, 2018

Board approves contract with AASB to lead in the development of a Strategic Plan

Nov. 1-Dec. 31, 2018

Employee and Community Surveys, Selection of Steering Committee

Dec. 12, 2018

Whole Board Training Session-SWOT Analysis

Jan. 10, 2019

District Leaders met with Consultant-Dr. Frank Costanzo, Reviewed Process

Jan. 16, 2019

Steering Committee Orientation 

Feb. 21, 2019

Community meeting at Lauderdale County High School

Feb. 25, 2019

Community meeting at Board Office

Feb. 26, 2019

Community meeting at Central School

March 11, 2019

Community meeting at Brooks High School

March 21, 2019

Steering Committee- Review  and Prioritize Community meeting responses, Review Board SWOTS, Review Community and Employee Survey Results

April 10, 2019

Steering Committee- SWOT Analysis, Develop Mission/Vision

April 25, 2019

Steering Committee- Finalize Mission/Vision

May 15, 2019

Steering Committee- Develop & Finalize Goals/Objectives

May 29, 2019

District Leadership Team- Finalize Strategies

May 30, 2019

Board approval of Strategic Plan 2019-2024


Implementation of the Strategic Plan


Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs

Guiding Principles

We Believe:

  • Education is a shared responsibility between families, students, and educators that will inspire and improve the quality of life for the community and students.

  • All students will be provided an opportunity to learn and challenged to reach their highest potential. 

  • Varied high quality extra-curricular, career exploration, fine arts, and character development opportunities enhance student achievement. 

  • Good character and ethical behavior should be modeled by students, parents, teachers, staff, and administrators.

  • Students and employees should be provided with a safe learning environment.

  • Students are valued individuals and our system will respect and empower them to reach their greatest potential. 

  • A high achieving school system is vital to a vibrant, prosperous community.

Goals Title Red ArrowMission

Mission Statement

“The Lauderdale County School System will strive to meet the needs of ALL students through community-based schools dedicated to developing and preparing productive members of society.”
Goals Title Red ArrowVision
Vision Statement
“Community Schools Empowering Students for Success.”
Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Focus Area 1: Continuous Improvement in Governance and Leadership 1.1 Board members who are qualified, effective, collaborative, and desire to be engaged in ongoing professional development of skills and knowledge.
Provide membership in AASB and opportunities for ongoing professional development.

Focus Area 1: Continuous Improvement in Governance and Leadership 1.2 Provide qualified and effective system and school leaders.

Recruit, train, and retain school leaders who strive to be highly effective and desire to be engaged in ongoing professional development of knowledge and skills in order to meet the needs of the overall instructional program. 

Focus Area 1: Continuous Improvement in Governance and Leadership 1.3 Ensure that Board governance policies and procedures are current, fair, published, and consistently implemented.
Continuously review and update policies and procedures.

Focus Area 1: Continuous Improvement in Governance and Leadership 1.4 Provide opportunities and programs to involve employees, students, parents, community members, government officials, and other stakeholders in collaborative efforts to improve school system governance.
  1. Community Meetings

  2. Surveys

Focus Area 2: Continuous Improvement in Teaching and Learning 2.1 All schools provide high quality, meaningful, rigorous, relevant, equitable and challenging instructional learning experiences that ensure all students develop learning, thinking, and life skills that lead to success.

Performance Measures: ACAP,  ACT, DIBELS, ACCESS for ELLs, ACT Workkeys, Curriculum-aligned assessments, Number of Students College/Career Ready, Number of Students in College Remediation, Number of Students Taking Dual Enrollment Courses

Possible Action Steps:

  1. Begin balanced literacy approach for reading in K-5 to meet students’ literacy needs and develop a love for reading and incorporate rigor to develop learning, thinking, and life skills.

    1. Teacher PD

    2. Provide adequate resources

    3. Utilize assessment data to guide teachers’ instruction.

  2. Continue reading interventions in grades K-6 (if applicable) with a focus on K-3.

  3. Universally screen all children in grades K and 1 to identify characteristics of dyslexia or other reading difficulties so intervention can begin early and often.

  4. Develop common math assessments district-wide in grades K-6 so teachers across the district are holding students to the same standard of rigor and level of learning.

  5. Continue summer learning programs in our elementary schools for at-risk students to prevent the summer academic slide.

  6. Effectively communicate to parents via email, newsletter, etc… about our programs and student achievement. 

  7. Provide equitability across all schools to dual enrollment and advanced course opportunities.

  8. Provide arts programs at each of our schools at all levels of education (K-12) including, but not limited to:  music and visual art.

  9. Protected scheduling for optimal instruction.

  10. Consider expanded course offerings in middle and high school (e.g., life skills, financial literacy classes, at-risk programs, Bible history class, additional face-to-face and online electives).

  11. Educate the whole child -- academically, socially, and emotionally.

  12. Expand STEM/STEAM opportunities at all campuses.

  13. All courses are demanding and structured.

  14. Improve writing instruction.

  15. “Bell to Bell” Instruction.

Focus Area 2: Continuous Improvement in Teaching and Learning 2.2 All schools meet or exceed established annual learning goals in all subjects and sustain progress toward the target graduation rate of 100%.

Performance Measures: Graduation Rate, ACAP

Possible Action Steps:

  1. Provide training to teachers annually on all assessments and how to analyze the results.

  2. Train on grade level standards.

  3. Align pacing guides to state standards.

  4. Communicate and consistently update performance standards and expectations for students and employees by hosting parent nights and disseminating information to better inform. 

  5. Continue developing students technologically for success after graduation.

  6. Expansion of career tech opportunities.

  7. Increase the amount of dual credit and advanced course offerings.

  8. Expand opportunities to meet college and career readiness indicators.

Focus Area 2: Continuous Improvement in Teaching and Learning 2.3 Recruit, train, and retain personnel who strive to be highly effective and desire to be engaged in ongoing professional development of knowledge and skills in order to meet the needs of the overall instructional program.

Performance Measures: Teachers’ feedback, Administrator observations, Assessment data


Possible Action Steps: 

  1. Targeted professional development in literacy/social studies.

  2. Targeted professional development for computer science.

  3. Targeted professional development for math/science.

  4. Communicate professional development opportunities to teachers and accommodate as many as funding allows.

  5. Professional development for counselors, teachers, and other necessary personnel in mental health and autism spectrum disorders.

  6. Vertical planning to improve fluidity from grade-to-grade and course-to-course.

  7. Allow counselors more time to focus on mental health issues. 

Focus Area 2: Continuous Improvement in Teaching and Learning 2.4 All instructional and program decisions are based on data that is collected, effectively analyzed, and used to improve teaching and learning.

Performance Measures: Teachers’ feedback, Administrator observations, Assessment data


Possible Action Steps:

  1. Include teachers in decision making regarding instructional and program decisions. 

  2. Evaluate programs yearly that are currently being used with struggling students to ensure effectiveness and growth in student performance.

  3. Expand opportunities to effective programs that challenge and support advanced, high-achieving students. 

  4. Continue supporting Pre-K at all schools (as long as grant funding is available).

Focus Area 3: Continuous Improvement of Facilities, Resources and Support Systems 3.1 Financial, demographic, and resource data will be collected, analyzed, and used to guide facilities, resources, and support systems decision making and planning.
  1. Local, State, and Federal Budgets

  2. State Assessments

  3. Transportation Zones

  4. Student enrollment and demographics

Focus Area 3: Continuous Improvement of Facilities, Resources and Support Systems 3.2 Objective criteria will be used to prioritize facility improvements, construction, renovations, and additions in order for our schools to be safe, attractive, and appropriate in order to ensure the availability of programs and activities within our school system.
  1. Local, State, and Federal Budgets

  2. Capital Plan and Facility Assessments

  3. Technology Plan

Focus Area 3: Continuous Improvement of Facilities, Resources and Support Systems 3.3 Leadership will engage in effective, collaborative, long-range planning to adjust in student enrollment, to anticipate needs for innovations, facilities upgrades, additions, renovations, and organization.
  1. Census Data

  2. Student enrollment

  3. Capital Plan and Facility Assessment

Focus Area 3: Continuous Improvement of Facilities, Resources and Support Systems 3.4 Attendance, discipline, and participation data will be collected, analyzed in order to improve student achievement and school climate.
  1. Student Incident Reports

  2. Survey Data

  3. Student Attendance

Focus Area 3: Continuous Improvement of Facilities, Resources and Support Systems 3.5 Technology, technology infrastructure, equipment and resources will be provided to deliver high quality instruction, effective communication, improve student safety, and support student achievement.
  1. E-textbooks

  2. Online Instruction

  3. Security Cameras

Focus Area 3: Continuous Improvement of Facilities, Resources and Support Systems 3.6 Transportation, health/wellness, and nutritional services will be provided and maintained to support high quality instruction and student achievement.
  1. School Bus fleet is purchased and maintained

  2. Wellness Policy

  3. Child Nutrition Programs including breakfast and lunch

  4. Community/Faith Based Initiatives

  5. Professional development offered annually for CNP and Transportation personnel

Focus Area 4: Continuous Improvement in Collaboration and Communication 4.1 Develop and maintain collaborative relationships with families, post-secondary institutions, business-industry groups, and communities to maximize student success.
  1. Purposefully communicate and plan events with stakeholders, community, and business partners.

  2. Develop community engagement events which partner with NWSCC, UNA, Athens State, various businesses, and non-profit agencies to provide services for students and families.

  3. Develop a district-wide digital newsletter, social media plan, and Communication Team to provide multiple forms of communication to families, stakeholders, media, and community to improve level of transparency.

Focus Area 4: Continuous Improvement in Collaboration and Communication 4.2 Publish, disseminate, and provide access to appropriate school system data to stakeholders to provide accountability, enhance credibility, and enhance support for programs and plans.
  1. Increase digital signage and infrastructure 

  2. Use multiple forms of print, social media, district newsletters (digital and print), community newspapers (TimesDaily, Courier Journal, etc) to disseminate information 

  3. Increase number of “Family Engagement Nights” on individual school campuses and district annex to educate and disseminate data/information to parents, families and community

Focus Area 4: Continuous Improvement in Collaboration and Communication 4.3 Use continuous improvement and accreditation standards to improve student achievement, evaluate school system success, and guide decision making.
  1. Provide a district-wide, focused effort to use College and Career Readiness standards and performance data to improve student achievement.

  2. Continuously monitor student, teacher, school, and district data to adjust instructional goals and provide high quality professional development and resources.

  3. Revisit accreditation standards and state guidelines to improve educational programs.

Focus Area 4: Continuous Improvement in Collaboration and Communication 4.4 Monitor, evaluate, and report regularly on the Strategic Plan in order to provide clear communication and, when appropriate, make changes, additions, or modifications to meet student needs.
  1. Use multiple data sources to evaluate progress (CCR graduates, graduation rate, state assessment scores, enrollment, attendance, parent involvement, drop out rate, retentions, discipline reports, faculty turnover, etc).

  2. Collect baseline data to compare previous communication methods to updated communication methods.

  3. Provide continuous adjustments to communication, curriculum, programs, and services according to data.

  4. Use multiple methods of communicating progress of the Strategic Plan.

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