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Goals Title Red ArrowMission
The Mission of the Escambia County School System is to provide engaging and comprehensive instructional and co-curricular programs that will enable our students to graduate career and/or college ready.
Goals Title Red ArrowVision

Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Goal 1: All teachers will be certified and highly qualified in their teaching field.

Challenge(s): The schools in Escambia County compete with neighboring systems for teachers. Mobile County and Baldwin County are large districts with significant resources and opportunities. They are both within driving distance of the schools in Atmore.


Strategy 1: The Escambia County School System will offer bonuses for certified, highly qualified math and science teachers in grades 7 through 12.


Strategy 2: Escambia County Schools will use the Applitrack online application program to ensure that applications contain required information concerning Highly Qualified Status, Alabama Teaching Certification, and references. The applications can also be easily organized by desired position and referenced quickly for future vacant positions.

Goal 2: Consistent, effective leadership will be maintained at all schools.

Challenge(s): The retirement of central office administrators and/or principals create a domino effect of vacancies in our small system. There is not a large pool of qualified employees to fill multiple administrative vacancies at one time. Many of the administrators at both the school and central office levels do not reside in Escambia County. Maintaining stability can be difficult. Escambia County High School has had ten different principals in the period from 1999 to 2012.


Strategy 1: The Escambia County Schools Administrator Academy will be made available for all personnel in the system who have current administrative certification. This program will provide professional development in school administration for assistant principals and teachers aspiring to become administrators.


Strategy 2: Escambia County Schools will use the Applitrack online application program to ensure that applications contain required information concerning Highly Qualified Status, Alabama Teaching Certification, and references. The applications can also be easily organized by desired position and referenced quickly for future vacant positions.

Goal 3: Communication will be coordinated throughout the system to ensure procedural consistency.

Challenge(s): The three high school feeder patterns are geographically isolated from each other and the communities they serve are diverse. There is little communication between feeder patterns and they operate differently at times.


Strategy 1: Regularly scheduled central office staff meetings will be conducted to organize information for dissemination to principals at monthly administrator meetings.


Strategy 2: Escambia County School System will achieve and maintain district accreditation through the process managed by Advanc-Ed.


Strategy 3: The district ACIP will provide system-wide goals, strategies, and activities to guide schools in a common direction.

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