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Goals Title Green ArrowProcess
The Hayward Unified School District (HUSD) serves a diverse, vibrant community in the heart of the East Bay. Our district goal is that students graduate ready for college, a career, and most importantly, life.  We developed a strategic plan that will bring focus, alignment, and coherence to this work. A key purpose of creating this plan was and is to ensure that our community understands and agrees with the work we need to do to achieve our goal, as well as provide a compelling framework that helps us attract, retain, and support an excellent, diverse workforce of teachers and staff who work on behalf of our students and families.

Strategic Plan Bilingual Flier
Strategic Plan Adopted June 19, 2019

The strategic planning process was only the beginning of our efforts to bring focus, alignment, and coherence to our work in HUSD.  HUSD is committed to working in partnership with our stakeholders as we implement the plan to ensure that we are on track to realize the vision of our community for our district.

Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs

Core Values

  • Equity: We develop systems, policies, and practices that promote opportunity and success regardless of race, language, zip code, or any other factor.
  • Well-Supported Staff: We enhance the capacity of every employee to promote equity and model service excellence.
  • Integrated Partnerships: We form partnerships that align with our priorities and strengthen student support.
  • Collaborative Leadership: We develop leaders at all levels who creatively tackle our challenges and communicate with integrity and transparency.
  • Data-Informed Decisions: We use multiple types of data, including stakeholder voice, to inform decisions and monitor progress.
Made in Hayward Framework / Strategic Focus
  1. Deeper Learning
  2. Relationship-Centered Schools
  3. Service Excellence
  4. Operational Sustainability
Goals Title Red ArrowMission
We draw from our community’s rich diversity in order to create an engaging and equitable educational experience, delivered in a safe and supportive environment.
Goals Title Red ArrowVision
Every student realizes their innate potential, becoming a lifelong learner and having a positive impact on their community.
Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals


HUSD will increase students’ deeper learning experiences, particularly for our underserved students, by building staff capacity to teach and interact with students in culturally responsive ways.

Vision Of Success 

  • Students will have more deeper learning experiences that incorporate their identities and selves.
  • Students will have greater access to deeper learning experiences and enrollment in high-level courses for underserved student groups (Hispanic/Latino, African American, Foster Youth, Students with Disabilities, Students with Low Socioeconomic Status).
  • Teachers and staff will have greater capacity to enhance interactions with students in culturally responsive ways.
  • Parent participation will increase as it relates to deeper learning experiences.

1.a. Provide training, on-boarding, and systemic support to all staff on culturally responsive teaching.

1.b. Provide training and support for teachers to pilot at least two deeper learning experiences per year (e.g. debate, labs, projects etc.)

1.c. Develop a continuous, site-driven, improvement/inquiry process that helps teachers, site leaders, and district leaders create more deeper learning and teaching experiences.

1.d. Develop systematic early intervention in math and literacy linked to deeper learning practices.

1.e. Pilot innovative programs for African-American students to increase access to deeper learning, through core curriculum, including but not limited to, a-g programming during the school day.

1.f. Attract and retain highly qualified staff in order to implement deeper learning experiences.


HUSD will work collaboratively with families, community partners, and staff to increase student access to the social emotional supports they need, particularly through positive relationships, trauma informed care, and a focus on equity. 

Vision of Success

  • Students will have access to the academic and social-emotional supports that they need

  • Staff will develop positive relationships and practices to serve and address the academic and social emotional needs of the whole child

  • HUSD will work with community partners and parents for improved student outcomes

2.a. Develop a Multi Tiered System of Support framework to identify needs and track results for academic and social emotional services to equitably distribute services and resources including increasing mental health support.

2.b. Provide ongoing training and mentorship opportunity to all staff on equity, implicit bias, positive relationship-building, social emotional learning and trauma-informed practices in order to support student success and recruit and retain staff.

2.c. Develop nontraditional parent engagement opportunities to center parent voice, create personal relationships that are site based and culturally competent including parent focus groups and a more extensive community survey.

2.d. Convene regularly a collaborative advisory team that includes multiple stakeholders and community partners to further the development of relationship centered schools.

2.e. Expand parent education and engagement with emphasis on incoming students such as Pre-K, T-K, K, and newcomers on key topics in navigating the education system such as understanding IEPs and site based processes.

HUSD will create a welcoming environment and positive experiences and outcomes for our diverse community by recruiting and retaining highly qualified staff and providing training and support on achieving service excellence.

Vision of Success 

  • The District will attract and retain highly-qualified staff.

  • Sites will have a more welcoming physical and relational environment and culture.

  • The District will have more efficient processes and shorter response time in basic operational areas: such as purchasing, budgeting, and email communication.

3.a. Maximize resources to strengthen working conditions in support of recruiting and retaining diverse staff who reflect our students’ ethnic and linguistic diversity.

3.b. Provide a budget and training to help front-line staff develop their action plan toward a welcoming environment.

3.c. Train service departments and “front-line staff” in the “service excellence” modules to provide quality service to all.

3.d. Require service departments to identify 3 major service standards and establish and communicate customer-focused timeline for major services.

HUSD will create and implement comprehensive facilities, safety, and technology plans that ensure equitable and sustainable upgrades.

Vision of Success

  • The District will use resources, including facilities, efficiently and effectively to support our own educational community.

  • The District will adopt and begin implementation of an equitable facilities plan that guarantees basic safety upgrades to every campus/site and standards for technology.  

  • Each school and district site will have a standard district safety and emergency operations plan.

4.a. Conduct a comprehensive analysis of facilities, capacity, programs (i.e. bilingual programs) versus enrollment trends to better serve our own educational community.

4.b Create a needs based equitable facilities plan with short-term and long-term timelines.

4.c. Create a needs based equitable technology improvement plan with timelines.

4.d. Develop and implement a training program for our safety and emergency operations plan.

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