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Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Balanced Learners
The Balanced Learner Goal aligns with our District Strategic Plan as well as our Mission and Vision to create structures for students that allow them to grow as a person throughout their educational time in the Mill Valley School District. Each student will receive equitable, articulated, relevant, standards- based instruction and support that ensures high levels of personal and academic growth. Students learn in classrooms that foster relationships and social-emotional wellness; deepen critical thinking, inquiry, and global perspectives; and support their development as citizens and scholars. This leads to them being inquiring and contributing members to their own academic and social growth.

Supported Staff
In alignment with our District Strategic Plan, we will provide consistent, ongoing professional growth opportunities to Mill Valley School District staff.

Maintain positive student, staff, parent/guardian, and broader community support for our district and schools.

Sound Finance and Infrastructure
Procure sustainable sources of operating and capital funding to achieve and support the district’s strategic goals.

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