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Goals Title Green ArrowProcess
Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs
Beliefs… We believe that given the proper tools, our students will learn to the best of their abilities. We believe our district has the ability to provide the proper tools for all students.
Goals Title Red ArrowMission
Mission… The Nevada City School District educates and inspires each student by providing an educational environment in which all students learn and achieve to their full potential. Our educational program is built upon clearly defined standards and uses diverse means of measuring student achievement. We support new, innovative, enriching, and educationally sound programs in response to the needs of our students.
Goals Title Red ArrowVision
Vision… We envision a district in which all students learn and achieve to the best of their abilities and talents; become life-long, enthusiastic learners; and develop a positive self-concept and sense of responsibility.
Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Goal 1: All students will demonstrate growth towards meeting or exceeding standards in English Language Arts (ELA) and math proficiency as demonstrated through local formative and summative assessments.

Goal 2: Nevada City School District will provide positive, safe, and engaging learning environments and systems of supports that meet the intellectual, social, and physical needs of all students, so they are able to maximize their learning and achievement.

Goal 3: Maintenance School in good repair; Sufficient materials; Access to technology workplace climate; Communication with stakeholders

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