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Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Academic Performance - Improve Student Academic Performance and Provide Varied Student Opportunities
1. Implement Local Control Accountability Plan...
1.1. Provide professional development for all staff...
1.2. Provide quarterly progress reports on LCAP...
1.3. Provide Board with final report on LCAP goals and objectives...

2. Successfully implement Common Core...
2.1 Provide common core staff development for all teachers...
2.2 Provide quarterly updates on common core to Board, include school visits and testing...
2.3 Provide common core coordinator support to the different sites

Communications and Community Relations - Community with Stakeholders
1. Promote Stakeholders Understanding and Awareness...
1.1. Create a Local Control Accountability Program Budget Advisory Committee...
1.2. Implement Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE) at all schools...
1.3. Create and hire a Public Information Officer position...
1.4. The Superintendent and staff will be out in the community representing the district, as appropriate and will report to the Board accordingly

District Culture - Foster a Positive Unified District Culture
1. Promote a Strong District Culture by Finding Common Ground and Building Trust...
1.1. Successfully negotiate contracts with employee groups...
1.2. Develop ways to share District success. New teacher welcome BBQ, Welcome Back event, State of District report, End-of-Year celebration, etc...
1.3. Being visible at all sites...
1.4. Set-up for Board at all sites

Facilities and Technology - Create Safe and Orderly Campuses
1. Develop a Facilities Master Plan/Blueprint...
1.1. Complete Facilities Master Plan/Blueprint...
1.2. Complete Science & Technology Facility at Santa Paula High School...
1.3. Gateway 1 - Hire architect and district representative to design plans for new school

Fiscal Integrity - Fund Board Priorities within Budget Constraints
1. Develop a Process for Budget Planning, Management & Monitoring...
1.1. Board Budget Workshops to monitor funding of Board Priorities...
1.2. Provide the Board with regular reports from the LCAP Budget Advisory Committee

Safe and Healthy Schools - Maintain a Safe Environment for Students and Staff & Promote Health and Wellness
1. Establish Policies, Procedures, Practices and Programs to promote a Safe Learning Environment, Health and Wellness...
1.1. Promote Restorative Justice - Provide professional development opportunities for teachers and other staff...
1.2. Hire School Safety Officers...
1.3. Hire additional Counselors...
1.4. Restructure the Security Department to be under the direction of the site administration...
1.5. Provide all staff with professional development in safety and emergency preparedness...
1.6. Hire Physical Education teachers and nutritional specialist

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