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Goals Title Green ArrowProcess
Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs
Student Focus:  Students come first; all students can learn at high levels

Accountability:  Balanced investment and allocation of resources for long-term solvency

Transparency:  Communication that is productive, constructive, and collaborative to inform decision making which is aligned to core values

Ethical Leadership:  Character and integrity as the foundation with esprit de corps to maintaining/sustaining pride, fellowship, and common loyalty shared by all
Goals Title Red ArrowMission
The mission of Vista de Las Cruces, a collaborative, historically rich community, is to guarantee students a safe and positive environment from which they will emerge as well-rounded, forward-thinking citizens. 
Goals Title Red ArrowVision
We will be ONE.  A family that learns and grows together. 
Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Student Achievement/Performance and Learning
We will provide and support engaging, high-quality instruction which promotes active learning and maximizes student achievement while creating a positive culture. 

Whole Child Approach
We will provide inspiring, creative, healthy and safe environments that nurture imagination and compassion; foreseeing engaged, supported and challenged students. 

District Management and Operations
We will be good stewards of our resources and pursue new avenues to support the goals of our district.

Communication and Engagement
We will engage stakeholders to demonstrate the commitment and dedication to the sustainable growth of the school. 

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