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Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
1. Goal One: Increase academic achievement and ensure equitable access to enable all students to attain college and career readiness.

1.1 Ensure every student has a guaranteed instructional program – not by chance, but by design – as outlined in the Instructional Core Vision.

1.2 Increase the number of students being identified as “prepared” in the college/career indicators, as outlined in the California State Dashboard.

1.3 Increase English Learners’ growth toward English proficiency.

1.4 Develop (Grades 7-12) and refine (Grades TK-6) Multi-Tiered System of Support for all students.

1.5 Ensure students have access to enrichment activities at all school sites.

1.6 Increase access to general education for students with disabilities through inclusionary practices.

2. Goal Two: Ensure all employees have access to high quality professional development.

2.1 Provide engaging professional development in all aspects of the Instructional Core to support all learners utilizing Board-adopted curriculum, building strategies to engage students using language and literacy, and supporting Professional Learning Communities’ focus on increasing positive student outcomes.

2.2 Ensure all staff are building their capacities as professionals in support of improving positive student outcomes and building their skills to support potential career advancement within the organization.

2.3 Empower staff with training opportunities to support students in their development of the MCS Character Traits and attainment of the Seal of Biliteracy and Seal of Civic Engagement.

2.4 Ensure staff have training and support in utilizing educational technology as a tool for enhancing instruction.

2.5 As part of the Instructional Core, ensure professional development opportunities focus on embedding equity and access into school culture, i.e., Equitable Grading Practices, Site Equity Teams, and data disaggregation.

3. Goal Three: Provide a safe, welcoming, and respectful learning environment for every member of the school community while ensuring effective District-wide communication for students, staff, families, and community partners.

3.1 Implement and monitor the recommendations identified by the Equity Task Force.

3.2 Promote and recognize outstanding students, families, staff, programs, schools, and community partners.

3.3 Increase regular two-way communication regarding student progress and other important issues.

3.4 Provide welcoming school and office environments with a focus on exceptional and engaging customer service for students, families, staff, and the community.

3.5 Improve operational efficiencies by using technology and regularly maintained and updated systems/network infrastructure.

3.6 Increase opportunities for students to have a voice in providing feedback for policies, practices, and procedures for District and site-level initiatives.

4. Goal Four: Ensure the District is fiscally and operationally sound.

4.1 Implement a sustainable budget plan under the Local Control Funding Formula.

4.2 Engage educational partners in a District Budget Committee process.

4.3 Invest in school facilities and infrastructure with a focus on sustainable initiatives, health and safety, and engaging learning environments.

4.4 Plan, implement, and monitor short- and long-term strategies to increase enrollment.

5. Goal Five: Recruit, hire, train, and retain high quality staff, with an emphasis on increasing diversity.

5.1 Create a District culture of valuing all employees to facilitate hiring and maximize retention.

5.2 Strengthen partnerships with local teaching, training, and employment programs.

5.3 Expand recruiting and hiring processes to provide support, maximize retention, and increase diversity in the certificated, classified, and management workforce.

5.4 Improve communication and collaboration within and between District divisions, departments, and sites to support Modesto City Schools’ Destination District vision, mission, values, and strategic goals.

5.5 Develop systems and structures to ensure efficient hiring timelines to meet school site and department staffing needs.

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