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Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
1. Improved student performance (academic and social/emotional learning).
a. Use data to make student decisions.
Goal 1: Create, implement and sustain a Multi Tiered System of Supports for academics and social/emotional needs. Elementary Jr/Sr High
Goal 2: Work to establish a guaranteed and viable curriculum. Elementary Jr/Sr High
b. Support instructional leadership
Goal 1: Support the principals in being able to focus on responsibilities and practices that improve student learning.
Goal 2: Educate the board in the Balanced Leadership concepts.

2. Enhanced district-community collaboration.
a. Ongoing and maintaining communication through district/school technology or social media.
Goal 1: Determine the district and building medium/platform for communication and assure patrons understand the medium used.
Goal 2: Update the district webpage to focus on including only the critical information needed on a web page and ease of finding that information.
b. Strengthen school and community partnerships and connections.

3. Facilities improvement
a. Updated, modernized
Goal 1: Continue progress with bond issue construction. (District)
Goal 2: Continue to install classroom video boards and provide training. (District)
Goal 3: Create handicapped accessibility to the main ‘front’ door of HS.
Goal 4: Build fitness center at Jr/Sr High School
b. Maintained
Goal 1: Update HVAC systems in both buildings by phases.
Goal 2: Update doors and windows in both buildings by phases. While doing so, update classroom paint, ceiling tiles (not grid) and lighting during the classroom HVAC phase.
Goal 3: Update “high visual areas” map and set priorities to start summer of 2023. Summer of 2022 is the lower elementary tile.

4. Maintain financial stability.
a. Obtain/Continue appropriate funding streams
Goal 1: Renew the Physical Plant and Equipment Levy in 2024, with the possibility of increasing from $1.00 to $1.34/$1000 taxable valuation. (District)
Goal 2: Get community approval for the updated revenue purpose statement for SAVE funding. (District)
Goal 3: Continue instructional support levy 2024.

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