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Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
1 - Maximize opportunities to increase and enhance academic achievement
  1. Explore expanding AP opportunities.
  2. Explore more opportunities for internships and community partnerships,particularly in the fields of career and technical education.
  3. Provide opportunities for complete coaching cycles with instructional coaches.
  4. Student achievement data will be shared with the board.
  5. Progress towards a long-term goal of reaching 90% proficient or advanced on ISASPs.

2 - Operate with fiscal integrity, efficiency and effectiveness.
  1. Maintain current spending authority and solvency ratio. 
  2. Prepare a 5-year plan for the general fund. 
  3. Review student population and analyze staffing of instructional and non-instructional areas. 


3 - Use multiple forms of communication to keep stakeholders informed.
  1. Create and grow a social media presence.
  2. Use Infinite Campus as a means to keep all parents informed.
  3. Utilize the local paper.
  4. Regularly communicate facility/bond-related issues across various media platforms.

4 - Facilities
  1. Develop a 5-year plan for capital expenditures. 
  2. Develop a long-term facility plan to include updates to facilities, including the retirement of the current primary building.  

5 - Provide a safe, supportive environment for students and staff.
  1. Prepare meal plans with a variety of high quality foods.  
  2. Provide a safe, reliable internet environment accessible to all.
  3. Work closely with local and regional authorities to enhance student and staff safety.

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