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Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs

Based on our core beliefs, the McDuffie County School System commits to:


  • Establishing high expectations for student performance in academics and extracurricular activities;
  • Ensuring a respectful, safe, and orderly environment for students and staff;
  • Exemplifying accountability through district leadership, school leadership, and effective teachers in every classroom;
  • Embracing diversity and enhancing the learning environment for all students through equity and access;
  • Engaging the community through value, respect, and effective communication to ensure educational excellence.
Goals Title Red ArrowMission

The McDuffie County School System is committed to academic excellence with a focus on rigor, relevance, and relationships.

Goals Title Red ArrowVision

The McDuffie County School System will become a nationally recognized learning community where graduates succeed in college, careers, and life.

Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Student Achievement
Performance Objective I:  To increase student achievement through quality & rigorous instruction.

Performance Objective II: To provide equitable opportunities and access to instruction for all students.

Performance Objective III: To increase the integration of technology in all aspects to instruction for all students.

Performance Objective IV: To provide job-embedded professional training.

Organizational & Operational Effectiveness
Performance Objective I: Ensure a safe, orderly and positive environment for all students and staff.

Performance Objective II: Bridge and improve effective and efficient operational processes and accountability.

Performance Objective III: Develop and implement a plan for instructional technology.

Human Resources Development
Performance Objective I: Recruit Highly Qualified and diversified faculty and staff.

Performance Objective II: Retain HQ, effective and professional staff.

Performance Objective III: Refine highly effective and accountable workforce through professional learning opportunities.

Stakeholder Engagement
Performance Objective I: To increase qualify family engagement.

Performance Objective II: To develop meaningful business/community relationships.

Performance Objective III: To promote transparent and timely communication among all stakeholders.

Performance Objective IV: To ensure a nurturing environment for all stakeholders.

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