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Goals Title Red ArrowBeliefs

  1. All students are unique and valued individuals and learn in different ways.
  2. Students learn best in an orderly, safe, and caring environment with well-maintained facilities.
  3. A highly qualified staff in collaboration with industry will promote higher student achievement which leads to a well-trained workforce.
  4. Investing in the future of technology facilitates enhanced learning.
  5. Prompt regular attendance and professional dress by students and teachers leads to improved performance.
  6. Honest, effective communication, both internally and externally, is vital.
  7. Learning is maximized when students' physical, emotional, social, and intellectual needs are met through extracurricular activities.
  8. On-going professional development is essential for the enhancement of the learning process.
  9. Providing a financially sound school system is essential to success.
  10. The future of our community depends on the success of our public schools.



Goals Title Red ArrowMission

Our Mission Statement: Washington County Public Schools--inspiring all children to excel in academics, arts and athletics.

Goals Title Red ArrowVision

Washington County Public Schools - building the foundation for a thriving community of self-supporting citizens through diverse educational opportunities. Enter our doors as a child; exit our doors as a well-rounded and productive citizen.

Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
    1. Ensure systematic process for school/system continuous improvement planning.

    2. Ensure schools/system has the resources needed for improvement.

    3. Manage effective facilities and an excellent bus fleet.

    4. Develop and retain an exceptional workforce.


    1. Improve classroom instruction with technology emersion.

    2. Improve a systems approach to assessing students K-12.

    3. Improve process/programs for students who need additional support services.

    4. Improve the number of students pursuing post-secondary options.



    1.  Improve parent services.
    2.  Improve student/parent/community relations.
    3.  Improve staff's professional image.


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