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Board of Education Vacancy - Application Information

The Grandview C-4 School District has a Board of Education position open for a term that ends on April 5, 2022.  Statutory requirements to serve on the Board of Education are listed below.  Interested persons who meet these requirements should submit a letter of intent to be considered for the available Board of Education position that includes your name, address, phone, email address, and the reason you are interested in serving of the Board.

All letters of intent should be directed to the Grandview-C-4 Board of Education 13015 10th St, Grandview, MO 64030 or emailed to no later than noon of Friday,  October 1, 2021.

Candidate Qualifications
US Citizen
Resident tax payer of Grandview C-4 School District
Resided in Missouri for a minimum of one year immediately prior to election
At least 24 years old
Not delinquent in the payment of taxes
Not found or pled guilty to a felony or misdemeanor
Not required to register as a sex offender
Filed campaign disclosures as required on previous elections as a candidate
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