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CSBA Sample Board Policy - Distance Learning

This new sample policy addresses the provision of distance learning opportunities to students, whether to all students due to a school closure or to individual students or classes as an alternative instructional method for academic purposes. The policy presents examples of the types of distance learning opportunities that may be offered, based on the California Department of Education's COVID-19 Guidance for K-12 Schools and also addresses teacher training and support, availability to all students, use of district equipment, communications with students and parents/guardians, and grading criteria. The sample policy includes additional considerations in the event of a school closure, such as prioritization of content as well as maintenance of continuity, routine, and regular connections with students.

NOTE: CSBA sample polices are normally only available to CSBA members that subscribe to GAMUT Policy and GAMUT Policy Plus, however due to the current situation with COVID-19, CSBA believes it is important to  make certain resources available to all school districts. For further information on CSBA policies please email

PDF CSBA Sample Board Policy 6157 - Distance Learning.pdf
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