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FY20 DeKalb Strategic Improvement Plan

7/1/2019 - 6/30/2024
Red Label No Change or Declined
Yellow Label Progress but did not meet
Green Label Meets or Exceeds

Strategic Goal Area I. Student Success with Equity and Access

Performance ObjectivesPerformance Measures 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023
Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual
Improve student mastery of learning standardsIncrease the percentage of elementary school students achieving content mastery (proficient and above) in ELA as measured by the CCRPI 40.76% N/A 43.76% - 46.76% - 49.76% -
Increase the percentage of elementary school students achieving content mastery (proficient and above) in Mathematics as measured by the CCRPI 40.50% N/A 43.50% - 46.50% - 49.50% -
Increase the percentage of elementary school students achieving content mastery (proficient and above) in Science as measured by the CCRPI 39.00% N/A 42.00% - 45.00% - 48.00% -
Increase the percentage of middle school students achieving content mastery (proficient and above) in ELA as measured by the CCRPI 38.97% N/A 41.97% - 44.97% - 47.97% -
Increase the percentage of middle school students achieving content mastery (proficient and above) in Mathematics as measured by the CCRPI 33.29% N/A 36.29% - 39.29% - 42.29% -
Increase the percentage of middle school students achieving content mastery (proficient and above) in Science as measured by the CCRPI 33.15% N/A 36.15% - 39.15% - 42.15% -
Increase the percentage of middle school students achieving content mastery (proficient and above) in Social Studies as measured by the CCRPI 32.20% N/A 35.20% - 38.20% - 41.20% -
Increase the percentage of high school students achieving content mastery (proficient and above) in ELA as measured by the CCRPI 45.55% N/A 48.55% - 51.55% - 54.55% -
Increase the percentage of high school students achieving content mastery (proficient and above) in Mathematics as measured by the CCRPI 32.17% N/A 35.17% - 38.17% - 41.17% -
Increase the percentage of high school students achieving content mastery (proficient and above) in Science as measured by the CCRPI 34.59% N/A 37.59% - 40.59% - 43.59% -
Increase the percentage of high school students achieving content mastery (proficient and above) in Social Studies as measured by the CCRPI 48.11% N/A 51.11% - 54.11% - 57.11% -
Increase the percentage of elementary school students achieving progress (SGP 41 and above) in ELA as measured by the CCRPI 66.16% N/A 69.16% - 72.16% - 75.16% -
Increase the percentage of elementary school students achieving progress (SGP 41 and above) in Mathematics as measured by the CCRPI 65.28% N/A 68.28% - 71.28% - 74.28% -
Increase the percentage of elementary school students achieving progress (moved one band or more) in English Language Proficiency as measured by the CCRPI 76.40% N/A 79.40% - 82.40% - 85.40% -
Increase the percentage of middle school students achieving progress (SGP 41 and above) in ELA as measured by the CCRPI 61.32% N/A 64.32% - 67.32% - 70.32% -
Increase the percentage of middle school students achieving progress (SGP 41 and above) in Mathematics as measured by the CCRPI 62.62% N/A 65.62% - 68.62% - 71.62% -
Increase the percentage of middle school students achieving progress (moved one band or more) in English Language Proficiency as measured by the CCRPI 40.52% N/A 43.52% - 46.52% - 49.52% -
Increase the percentage of high school students achieving progress (SGP 41 and above) in ELA as measured by the CCRPI 60.67% N/A 63.67% - 66.67% - 69.67% -
Increase the percentage of high school students achieving progress (SGP 41 and above) in Mathematics as measured by the CCRPI 64.81% N/A 67.81% - 70.81% - 73.81% -
Increase the percentage of high school students achieving progress (moved one band or more) in English Language Proficiency as measured by the CCRPI 52.34% N/A 55.34% - 58.34% - 61.34% -
Increase the percentage of elementary school students demonstrating readiness in literacy as measured by the CCRPI 49.59% N/A 52.59% - 55.59% - 58.59% -
Increase the percentage of elementary school students demonstrating readiness in student attendance as measured by the CCRPI 89.62% N/A 91.62% - 93.62% - 95.62% -
Increase the percentage of elementary school students demonstrating readiness in beyond the core as measured by the CCRPI 98.92% N/A 99.92% - 100% - 100% -
Increase the percentage of middle school students demonstrating readiness in literacy as measured by the CCRPI 54.88% N/A 57.88% - 60.88% - 63.88% -
Increase the percentage of middle school students demonstrating readiness in student attendance as measured by the CCRPI 88.59% N/A 90.59% - 92.59% - 94.59% -
Increase the percentage of middle school students demonstrating readiness in beyond the core as measured by the CCRPI 100% N/A 100% - 100% - 100% -
Increase the percentage of high school students demonstrating readiness in literacy as measured by the CCRPI 60.16% N/A 63.16% - 66.16% - 69.16% -
Increase the percentage of high school students demonstrating readiness in student attendance as measured by the CCRPI 75.97% N/A 77.97% - 79.97% - 81.97% -
Increase the percentage of high school students demonstrating readiness in accelerated enrollment as measured by the CCRPI 47.37% N/A 50.37% - 53.37% - 56.37% -
Increase the percentage of high school students demonstrating readiness in pathway completion as measured by the CCRPI 84.63% N/A 87.63% - 90.63% - 93.63% -
Increase the percentage of high school students demonstrating readiness in college and career readiness as measured by the CCRPI 53.48% N/A 56.48% - 59.48% - 62.48% -
Increase the Reading average RIT score for grades K-2 as measured by Winter MAP 166.4 166.4 167.2 - 168.1 - 168.9 -
Increase the Mathematics average RIT score for grades K-2 as measured by Winter MAP 168.1 168.7 169.5 - 170.3 - 171.2 -
Increase the Reading average RIT score for grades 3-5 as measured by Winter MAP 197.4 196.2 197.6 - 199.0 - 200.4 -
Increase the Mathematics average RIT score for grades 3-5 as measured by Winter MAP 200.7 200.1 201.5 - 202.9 - 204.2 -
Increase the Reading average RIT score for grades 6-8 as measured by Winter MAP 211.3 209.1 211.1 - 213.1 - 215.1 -
Increase the Mathematics average RIT score for grades 6-8 as measured by Winter MAP 217.0 216.5 218.4 - 220.2 - 222.1 -
Increase the Reading average RIT score for grades 9-10 as measured by Winter MAP 215.1 214.7 216.5 - 218.2 - 220.0 -
Increase the Mathematics average RIT score for grades 9-10 as measured by Winter MAP 226.6 226.1 227.4 - 228.7 - 229.9 -
Increase the Winter MAP Developing and Above Projected Proficiency average in Reading for grades 3-5 60.50% 59.66% 61.44% - 63.29% - 65.19% -
Increase the MAP Developing and Above Projected Proficiency average in Mathematics for grades 3-5 68.77% 68.08% 70.12% - 72.23% - 74.39% -
Increase the Winter MAP Developing and Above Projected Proficiency average in Reading for grades 6-8 56.45% 54.15% 55.77% - 57.45% - 59.17% -
Increase the MAP Developing and Above Projected Proficiency average in Mathematics for grades 6-8 56.40% 56.32% 58.01% - 59.75% - 61.54% -
Increase the Winter MAP Proficient and Above Projected Proficiency average in Reading for grades 3-5 25.91% 26.77% 27.57% - 28.40% - 29.25% -
Increase the MAP Proficient and Above Projected Proficiency average in Mathematics for grades 3-5 23.65% 26.95% 27.76% - 28.59% - 29.45% -
Increase the Winter MAP Proficient and Above Projected Proficiency average in Reading for grades 6-8 24.11% 23.09% 23.78% - 24.49% - 25.23% -
Increase the MAP Proficient and Above Projected Proficiency average in Mathematics for grades 6-8 20.58% 20.78% 21.40% - 22.05% - 22.71% -
Provide academically rigorous courses and/or pathwaysIncrease the percentage of students accessing and participating in accelerated enrollment (AP, IB, and dual enrollment) as measured by the CCRPI 81.88% N/A 82.70% - 83.53% - 84.36% -
Increase the evidence-based reading and writing mean scaled score on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) 514 509 514 - 519 - 524 -
Increase the mathematics mean scaled score on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) 491 481 486 - 491 - 496 -
Increase the average composite score on the American College Test (ACT) 20.4 TBD 20.9 - 21.4 - 21.9 -
Increase graduation rateIncrease the graduation rate of the 4-year cohort 76.41% TBD 79.41% - 82.41% - 85.41% -
Increase the graduation rate of the 5-year cohort 80.82% TBD 83.82% - 86.82% - 89.82% -
Increase the 4- and 5-year graduation rate (CCRPI component) 77.9% N/A 80.9% - 83.9% - 86.9% -
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