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Early County Schools Plan

7/1/2017 - 6/30/2022
Red Label No Change or Declined
Yellow Label Progress but did not meet
Green Label Meets or Exceeds

Strategic Goal Area I. Student Growth and Achievement

Performance ObjectivesPerformance Measures 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021
Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual
To ensure student mastery of curriculum through engagementPercent of teachers with TAPS levels 3 or 4: % Meeting Standards 100 100 100 100 100 N/A 100 100
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on 3rd grade ELA Milestones: % Meeting Standards 30 19.7 25 21 25 N/A 25 9
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on 3rd grade Math Milestones: % Meeting Standards 40 35 40 37 40 N/A 40 16
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on 4th grade ELA Milestones: % Meeting Standards 30 25 30 24 30 N/A 30 20
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on 4th grade Math Milestones: % Meeting Standards 30 33.5 35 34 35 N/A 35 23
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on 5th grade ELA Milestones 20 18.4 20 25 30 N/A 30 19
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on 5th grade Math Milestones 50 34.9 40 37 40 N/A 40 22
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on 5th grade Science Milestones: % Meeting Standards 40 23 30 28 30 N/A 30 26
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on 5th grade Social Studies Milestones: % Meeting Standards 40 25 30 22 30 N/A 30 -
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on 6th grade ELA Milestones: % Meeting Standards 25 23.3 30 26 30 N/A 30 13
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on 6th grade Math Milestones: % Meeting Standards 20 22 25 20 25 N/A 25 2
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on 7th grade ELA Milestones: % Meeting Standards 35 24.5 30 28 30 N/A 30 27
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on 7th grade Math Milestones: % Meeting Standards 55 42.2 45 40 45 N/A 45 25
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on 8th grade ELA Milestones: % Meeting Standards 30 37.9 40 37 40 N/A 40 24
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on 8th grade Math Milestones: % Meeting Standards 35 17.5 25 6 15 N/A 15 7
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on 8th grade Science Milestones: % Meeting Standards 15 15.8 20 8 15 N/A 15 2
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on 8th grade Social Studies Milestones: % Meeting Standards 30 35.4 40 28 35 N/A 35 4
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on 8th grade Physical Science Milestones: % Meeting Standards 55 62.1 65 15 20 N/A 20 19
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on 8th grade Algebra 1 Milestones: % Meeting Standards 40 57.1 60 47 50 N/A 50 30
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on 9th grade Literature Milestones: % Meeting Standards 45 29.7 35 51 55 N/A 55 -
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on American Literature Milestones: % Meeting Standards 30 27 35 53 55 N/A 55 9
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on Algebra 1 Milestones: % Meeting Standards 25 20.2 25 44 50 N/A 50 13
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on Geometry Milestones: % Meeting Standards 30 19.9 25 38 45 N/A 45 -
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on Physical Science Milestones: % Meeting Standards 25 2.9 10 46 50 N/A 50 19
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on Biology Milestones: % Meeting Standards 50 30.8 35 49 55 N/A 55 13
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on US History Milestones: % Meeting Standards 25 27.7 30 59 65 N/A 65 5
Percent of students at levels 3 or 4 on Economics Milestones: % Meeting Standards 40 20.6 25 41 50 N/A 50 -
To ensure a high graduation ratePercent of students absent less than 10% of their enrolled days: % Meeting Standards 90 85.16 90 86.67 88 N/A 88 84
4-Year Graduation Rate: % Meeting Standards 91 90.86 91 84.93 92 86 92 85
5-Year Graduation Rate: % Meeting Standard 90 91.53 92 92 92 93 94 83
To close the achievement gapES Total number of yellow and green flags on Closing the Gap CCRPI 13 12 14 5 10 N/A 10 N/A
MS Total number of yellow and green flags on Closing the Gap CCRPI 8 14 16 6 10 N/A 10 N/A
HS Total number of yellow and green flags on Closing the Gap CCRPI 14 9 12 16 18 N/A 18 N/A
To increase college and career readinessNumber of students in Dual Enrollment courses: Number of students 113 104 110 97 105 96 82 N/A
Percent of students completing a pathway and obtaining a credential: % Meeting Standards 53 65 65 58 60 N/A 60 N/A
ES Readiness category performance percent CCRPI: % Meeting Standards 80 73.7 77 72.8 75 N/A 75 61
MS Readiness category performance percent CCRPI: % Meeting Standards 83 79.1 82 76.8 80 N/A 80 67
HS Readiness category performance percent CCRPI: % Meeting Standards 55 70.7 73 78.4 80 N/A 80 73
To ensure the holistic growth of the studentPercent of middle school students involved in extra-curricular activities: % Meeting Standards 62 70 75 - - - - -
Percent of high school students involved in extra-curricular activities: % Meeting Standards 82 80 82 - 82 80 82 -
Elementary School PBIS Recognition by GADOE: GADOE Recognition Installing Installing Emerging Emerging Operational N/A Operational N/A
Middle School PBIS Recognition by GADOE: GADOE Recognition Installing Installing Emerging Installing Emerging N/A Operational N/A
High School PBIS Recognition by GADOE: GADOE Recognition Installing Installing Emerging Emerging Operational N/A Operational N/A
Alternative School PBIS Recognition by GADOE: GADOE Recognition Installing Installing Emerging Emerging Operational N/A Operational N/A
Elementary School Climate Star Rating: # of Stars 4 5 5 4 5 N/A 5 N/A
Middle School Climate Star Rating: # of Stars 4 4 5 4 5 N/A 5 N/A
High School Climate Star Rating: # of Stars 4 4 5 4 5 N/A 5 N/A
Elementary School TFI Tier 1 Goal: % of Standard Met 70 27 70 80 85 93 90 70
Middle School TFI Tier 1 Goal: % of Standard Met 70 63 70 90 85 93 90 77
High School TFI Tier 1 Goal: % of Standard Met 70 40 70 87 85 73 85 90
Alternative School TFI Tier 1 Goal: % of Standard Met 70 33 70 70 85 53 70 N/A
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