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Tallapoosa County Schools
679 E. Columbus Street
DadevilleAL 36853
Phone: (256) 825-0746
Board Members
Board of Education

District 1
Mrs. Matilda Woodyard-Hamilton


P.O. Box 662, Camp Hill, AL 36850

(256) 896-4446 Cell- (256) 750-0517


District 2

Mr. Martin Johnson


915 Wildlife Road, Dadeville, AL 36853

(256)825-6402 Cell-(256)786-9245


District 3

Mr. Michael Carter, President


190 Aberdeen Road, Dadeville, AL 36853

(256)825-5554, (256) 825-4345 Cell- (256)749-5806

District 4

Mrs. Haley McKelvey, 
(11/22-11/28) Carla Talton Term
(3/2024-11/2028) Haley McKelvey appointed to complete remainder of term 

426 Oak Ridge Road, Dadeville, AL 36853


District 5

Mrs. Linda Daniel


10879 Highway 22 East, New Site, AL 36256

(256)329-2688 Cell-(256)256-496-3709

A School System Worthy of Our Children


Building students today for a better future tomorrow.

Our mission is students achieving at their fullest potential while preparing for success in College, Career and Life.


•Establishing strong relationships with all students.
•Providing safe learning environments for all students, faculty, and staff
•Creating stakeholder partnerships to strengthen our communities
•Sharing responsibilities for the education of tomorrow’s citizens
•Preparing our children for the world they live in
•High expectations for all

 Building Tomorrow!

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