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Rule Number:160-5-4-.04

Special Appropriation for Public School Capital Outlay  

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Code: FFE  160-5-4-.04

    1. Capital Outlay – expenditures which result in the acquisition of fixed assets, improvements to sites, construction of buildings, construction of additions to buildings, retrofitting of existing buildings for energy conservation, renovation and modification of existing buildings, initial and additional equipment, and furnishings for K-12 educational facilities. For the purposes of the special appropriation, expenditures for the acquisition of property, swimming pools, tracks, stadiums, and other facilities or portions of facilities used primarily for athletic competition, non-permanent instructional units, and the central and area administrative offices of local units of administration shall be excluded.
    2. Facilities Inventory –represents all existing instructional units meeting minimum state requirements used in the delivery of the K-12 instructional program planned by the school system plus any instructional unit(s) planned (or currently under construction) for which local, state, or federal funding is available.
    3. Instructional Units Earned – refers to the number of instructional units(IUs) that should be available to provide adequate school facilities to deliver the approved K-12 instructional programs planned at a school based on the grade configuration and the student population at the school. The number of IUs earned at each school shall be derived from the applicable IU allocation chart provided by the Department.
    4. Instructional Units Needed –The number of instructional units needed at each school is determined by subtracting the number of units earned from the number of instructional units currently available and/or the number of instructional units for which funding is currently available.
    5. Special Appropriation for Public School Capital Outlay – Special appropriation for public school capital outlay refers to any appropriation of state funds authorized for public school capital outlay activities in addition to the appropriations approved for capital outlay projects under the provisions of O.C.G.A. § 20-2-260 and O.C.G.A. § 20-2-262.
    1. Local boards of education, with assistance from the Facilities Services staff, shall develop an application (or applications) in the format specified by the Department to request funding for the instructional units determined to be needed and eligible for funding from this special appropriation.
    2. All instructional units included in an application and constructed with funds from this special appropriation shall meet the common minimum facility requirements defined in the State Board of Education rules and in the guidelines named in Rule 160-5-4-.16 Educational Facility Site, Construction, and Reimbursement.
    3. Funds from this special appropriation may be combined with funds from other state or local fund sources in a single application. However, any application utilizing multiple fund sources shall be developed to comply with all the laws, rules, and guidelines applicable to each of the fund sources.
    4. While no local matching funds shall be required for the funds derived from this special appropriation, the local board of education shall agree to provide any additional local funds which may be needed to ensure that the project can be completed as described in the approved application.
    5. Local boards of education shall adopt the completed application(s) and return the approved application with original signatures to:

      Georgia Department of Education
      Facilities Services Unit
      1670 Twin Towers, East
      Atlanta, Georgia 30334
    6. ​​​​​​​Funds from this special appropriation shall be used to reimburse local boards of education for eligible expenditures incurred to complete the activities described in the approved application. Projects must be completed in accordance with any applicable laws, rules, and guidelines for capital outlay projects to qualify for reimbursement. Except as provided otherwise in these special rules and guidelines, the general rules and guidelines for capital outlay will apply to this program.

Authority: O.C.G.A. §20-2-260; 20-2-262.
Adopted: May 10, 2012            Effective: May 30, 2012

Georgia Department Of Education
Adopted Date:  5/10/2012
Effective Date:  5/30/2012

NOTE: The State of Georgia has moved the Georgia Code. This new environment no longer allows us to link directly to the Georgia Code. For example enter 20-02-0211 in the search window and the Georgia Code will appear.
Policy Code Description
FFE Supplementary Appropriations
Georgia Code Description
O.C.G.A § 20-02-0260 Capital outlay funds, generally
These references are not intended to be part of the rule itself, nor do they indicate the basis or authority for the board to enact this rule. Instead, they are provided as additional resources for those interested in the subject matter of the rule.
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