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Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Empower Students
The Central Lyon District will do whatever possible to provide the best education for students of all ages, and all abilities. This includes providing academic programs that analyze the needs of a wide variety of students. High performance by all students and staff in all programs is the expectation of the Central Lyon School Board.

Empower Staff
All Central Lyon employees are expected to perform at the highest levels, to be professional, to be role models for students, to use resources - including technology appropriately. All staff will realize that we are here for the students first, and that all decisions and actions will be based on this premise. Everyone is accountable to our public, but more importantly our students. The Central Lyon School Board expects accountability from all employees of the district. Every aspect of professionalism is expected to be at the highest levels. This includes fulfilling the expectations of the contract to the fullest.

Ensure Financial Health
The Central Lyon District will maintain a strong financial status while continuing to fulfill and maintain the needs of the academic program by providing proper staffing levels and regular curriculum revision. All programs and expenditures must be examined to ensure efficiency and effectiveness within the spectrum of the overall educational program.

Develop World-Class Facilities & Infrastructure
The Central Lyon District will maintain and provide the necessary and most up-to-date physical plant and equipment purchases including good facilities for all programs, above standard transportation fleet, and up-to-date applicable technology. This will be accomplished through rotational spending and continuous upkeep to provide the best possible amenities to the students and staff while utilizing public tax dollars in a responsible and cost-effective manner.

Partner with Families and the Community
With a welcoming environment, the Central Lyon District will partner with families and the community to support the development of all students. School staff will engage in meaningful two-way communication with families to support learning at home and school. Central Lyon staff members will collaborate with community members to identify meaningful partnerships that expand the learning opportunities for students.

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