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Goals Title Purple ArrowGoals
Teaching and Learning
  • Specific Goal 1:  Provide a high-quality PK-12 educational experience to prepare students to be college and career-ready high school graduates equipped for a wide array of post-secondary opportunities.  
  • Specific Goal 2:  Support educators with professional learning and evidence-based instructional resources that foster strong instructional practices.
  • Specific Goal 3:  Increase equitable access to quality, rigorous, and innovative instructional services.

Recruitment and Retention of High-Quality Faculty and Staff
  • Specific Goal 1:  Identify and recruit the high-quality candidates from teacher preparation programs.

Transforming Family and Community Engagement
  • Specific Goal 1:  Create partnerships between the school district and local businesses.
  • Specific Goal 2:  Enhance community involvement within the school district.
  • Specific Goal 3:  Increase parent engagement.

Transforming Operational Excellence
  • Specific Goal 1:  Make each school and our school system an inviting place to be for students, parents, staff, and the larger community.
  • Specific Goal 2:  Evaluate systematically all expenditures to enable the development and adoption of budgets that are focused on district strategies for maximizing student learning.

Transforming Student Services
  • Specific Goal 1:  Maintain supportive learning environments.
  • Specific Goal 2:  Determine stakeholder perceptions of schools and the school district.
  • Specific Goal 3:  Establish student voice. 

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