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TransCenter For Youth, Inc
1749 N 16th Street
MilwaukeeWI 53205
Phone: (414) 933-7895

Board Directors

Victor Frasher Victor Frasher
Title: President
Work phone:
Home phone:
Ingrid Jagers Ingrid Jagers
Title: Secretary
Work phone:
Home phone:
Kim Schulte Kim Schulte
Title: Treasurer
Work phone:
Home phone:
Board Members
Our Mission
TransCenter for Youth operates small high schools that serve the unique needs of students in Milwaukee through innovative, culturally appropriate approaches to teaching and learning, serving as education models for other schools.
Our Story
TransCenter for Youth began working with “at-risk” and adjudicated youth in 1969. In May of 1973, TransCenter registered as a nonprofit corporation in the State of Wisconsin and was recognized as a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt organization by the Internal Revenue Service in the fall of that year.

Today, TransCenter for Youth operates four schools in Milwaukee: Shalom High School, NOVA, El Puente High School, Escuela Verde. TransCenter’s schools have been visited and studied by educators from Russia, Japan, Germany, Great Britain, South Africa and from all over the United States. They have been featured in articles and books published by the National Center on Education and the Economy, Jobs for the Future, the Academy for Educational Development, the National Network for Youth, the Wisconsin Association of School Boards, the Carnegie Reporter, and Holistic Education Press.
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